Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Books Online Free The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1) Download

Point Books Conducive To The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)

Original Title: The Fifth Sacred Thing
ISBN: 0553373803 (ISBN13: 9780553373806)
Edition Language: English
Series: Maya Greenwood #1
Literary Awards: Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror (1994)
Books Online Free The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1) Download
The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1) Paperback | Pages: 486 pages
Rating: 4.24 | 5696 Users | 507 Reviews

Interpretation Concering Books The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)

11/2015 I live in the sweetness of this book, whether I am reading it or not. There are times when I need this book the way I need air. This has been one of those times. I slipped into it the way Madrone slipped into Sara's pool, unable to resist, entirely yielding myself to the narrative. It's prose that speaks to me on the deepest level, and oh, how glad I was to re-immerse myself.

11/2012 I find more to love each time I come back to this book, this time being no exception. I come to this book like water in the desert and it purifies and magnifies me.

2/2011 Unequivocally, I love this book. I live inside it and believe in it with all my heart. It feels like home, the society depicted herein, with its collective collaborative hippie soul. Sure, it's preachy and even didactic in parts. I find I don't mind preachy, so long as I'm sitting in the choir.

After reading the stark and scary natural histories I've been dipping into lately, this utopia of the possible- although it's a hard-won utopia indeed- feels comforting to me.

I believe that people can work together and create a society which honors the earth and the sacred things thereupon, that people can honor one another and find new ways to relate to their environments. I have to believe it, otherwise I'd give up. This is the book I turn to when I think about giving up.

3/2008 A re-read. I love this book unreservedly. I'm not particularly fond of the whole new age ideology. I'm not a believer in any of the recognizable religions, including Paganism. I worship at the altar of science. And yet I buy this book completely. I inhabit it like a second skin.

This book is the rhetoric of hope, of redemption, of bravery and of transformation. I don't know if it's particularly well-written, I've never noticed in the score of times I've read it. I don't care if it's not. I fall in and am consumed.

It helps that, religious overtones aside, I share the values espoused here. I'm a Utopian at heart, I suppose. Free love and tomatoes for everyone! Never thirst.

List About Books The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)

Title:The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 486 pages
Published:June 1st 1994 by Bantam (first published 1993)
Categories:Fiction. Fantasy. Science Fiction. Spirituality. Dystopia. Feminism

Rating About Books The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)
Ratings: 4.24 From 5696 Users | 507 Reviews

Weigh Up About Books The Fifth Sacred Thing (Maya Greenwood #1)
Couldn't stand it, couldn't finish it. And I usually love radical utopias+ conservative dystopias--the 2 paired together? Whhooooo! But the style was turgid and thick and the sentimentality oozed off the page. Maybe my aesthetic problems with paganism helped, too. The description of the prison and their escape from it was compelling, but that's about it.

This book has some good passages about nonviolent resistance and about building a community. If it could have set up those issues without depending on New Age-y "science" (e.g., manipulating ch'i, using intelligent crystals for computers that are programmed through advanced visualization techniques, acupuncture, using the brain's natural electronic field to manipulate electronic devices) and magic (e.g., communicating with the dead, communicating with bees, vision quests), it might have been

For me, this book wasnt a 'page-turner' but I read it avidly none-the-less. What brought me back to the bookmarked page day after day was the profound ideas inter weaved throughout the book. This book heralds not only spirituality, environmentalism and mythological symbolism but also social change, civil disobedience and revolution. For this reason, this book was inherently different, and exactly my cuppa-tea. It was my scholarly and spiritual minds transformed into fiction.The characterisation

Problematic author but a very engrossing story.

Oh...California utopia! I read The Fifth Sacred Thing years ago and had forgotten so much of the woowoo embedded in the story. I remember the days when I actively shopped for Wiccan literature and paraphernalia, chanted to the Goddess a-la Charlie Murphy in the recording Burning Tmes, thought mandalas were magical symbols...I'm afraid becoming a social scientist makes me feel silly about a lot of the activities that took up my time in those days. But I DO believe that humans should do a better

This is truly a visionary novel. One of the best depictions of non-violent protest and rebuilding of society on Her (Goddess) principals. The book really spoke to me in so many ways. I struggle with the ideas of non-violent protest and productive non-cooperation, they are concepts that are difficult to me to grasp. In this story a good number of examples are given for, how both of these strategies can be successful. As well as the sex-positivity in the novel is very nicely done and is very well

I loved this story of a near future utopia based on the principles of earth based spirituality and social justice. The combination of the well thought out details of how daily life would look in a post-capitalist society, combined with the rich description of the various locations across California where I grew up, made for an emotional read for me.


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