Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Download Books Online Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)

Declare About Books Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)

Title:Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)
Author:Kirsten Miller
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 387 pages
Published:May 30th 2006 by Bloomsbury USA Children's Books
Categories:Young Adult. Mystery. Adventure. Fantasy. Fiction
Download Books Online Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)
Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1) Hardcover | Pages: 387 pages
Rating: 4.06 | 5801 Users | 682 Reviews

Chronicle In Pursuance Of Books Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)

Life will never be the same for Ananka Fishbein after she ventures into an enormous sinkhole near her New York City apartment. A million rats, delinquent Girl Scouts out for revenge, and a secret city below the streets of Manhattan combine in this remarkable novel about a darker side of New York City you have only just begun to know about…

Mention Books During Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)

Original Title: Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike, #1)
ISBN: 1582349606 (ISBN13: 9781582349602)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Kiki Strike #1
Characters: Kiki Strike, Ananka Fishbein
Setting: New York City, New York(United States)
Literary Awards: Missouri Truman Readers Award Nominee (2009)

Rating About Books Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)
Ratings: 4.06 From 5801 Users | 682 Reviews

Evaluate About Books Inside the Shadow City (Kiki Strike #1)
This review can also be found on my blog, NovelWorldUnfurled. I go through phases. Every year or so, I have this phase where I want to be a spy/detective/explorer/adventurer. It lasts anywhere between two weeks to two months on average, and started when I was nine-years-old and continues annually to this day, so you can imagine how I see myself when I am in this state of mind (a combination of Indian Jones/James Bond/Katniss Everdeen/Eowyn/Kiki Strike/Black Widow/Lyra Belaqua).I go all out. To

I almost gave it four stars. Probably 3.5. I liked it a lot, but did I REALLY like it? Hmmm. I enjoyed the history, and the cleverness, and the camaraderie of the girls, but the plausibility factor, or should it be the implausibility factor, tripped me up a few times. It's cute. It's a fun read for the age range (which I would put at 11-15). The end-of-chapter instructions by Ananka on how to be and do stuff were what almost put it up to a four-star rating. The test for me is, if there are

I realize I'm not the target audience but I read this book because my 9-year-old daughter loved it so much that she wanted to tour all the historical and secret-city places mentioned in the book. I would give the book 5-stars for igniting a curiosity in old NYC which is very cool. I can see why a tween would love the book; there's a mystery, bad guys, a group of young girls coming together to use their unique and special skills ranging from disguises to science to historical knowledge to martial

This book is very interesting! Some parts went over my head (aka could forget about). It was detaily. There was a lot of action and mystery though. I liked it and there is a sequal too! I hope if you read it you like it too!

Delinquent Girl Scouts, spy stuff, adventure, espionage, readers, .... This book hit all my interests! There is now a need for way more than the one copy I have as all my Girl Scouts want to read it and all my students want to read it. Special thanks to the person who put it in the Little Free Library in Leander. We love it!

What a fun read! I wish this book was around when I was 11. Mostly, this is a mix between a James Bond and Nancy Drew novel. But, the narrator, Ananka, adds tips on topics like disguise, surveillance, and "how to kick some butt". I was so drawn in that I thought, momentarily at least, that I could personally escape a kidnapping plot or trail someone without getting caught. Kiki, Ananka, and the gang of girls are tough and smart. Sidney Bristow, just a few years younger.

This could have been so, so, so great. A group of girls venture into the "Shadow City" underneath New York City, discovering secret abandoned speakeasies, dancehalls, catacombs, and tunnels -- a dream come true for passionate urban explorers like me. Unfortunately, the author loses faith in the intrinsic interestingness of the concept and whips up an unsatisfying -- and unevenly written -- scenario involving espionage, ransom kidnappings, and secret royalty. It would have been perfectly sublime


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