Thursday, June 4, 2020

Free Download Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)

Mention Books Concering Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)

ISBN: 1444901893 (ISBN13: 9781444901894)
Edition Language: English
Series: Dark Heart #1
Characters: Jane Whitefield
Free Download Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)
Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1) Paperback | Pages: 372 pages
Rating: 3.61 | 3912 Users | 274 Reviews

List Epithetical Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)

Title:Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)
Author:Lee Monroe
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 372 pages
Published:October 1st 2010 by Hachette Children's Group
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Paranormal. Romance. Shapeshifters. Werewolves. Angels

Interpretation To Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)

Sadly, Dark Heart Forever is one of those 'the cover is better than the actual prose' novels. I was enchanted by the gorgeous art and really excited to read the book as I've had plot bunnies about a similar idea bouncing round my head for a few years now but sadly I was left feeling very disappointed.

I had a lot of trouble with the narrative because it jumps into the story without a back story at all. I expected some flesh to Luca's storyline (how long had Jane been having these dreams? What happened in them?) but there was not really anything at all. Particularly at the beginning of the novel, the narrative just left me confused. Luca started appearing in her real life almost instantly but we never actually saw him visit her in her dreams, so I was confused as to if he was in her real life and no one could see him or if she was in a dream when she saw him.

There was no back story on Jane either, aside from the apparently fundamental 'I'm a freak' trap that so many YA authors fall into. Usually I can somewhat go along with it but I found it startlingly painful to digest in Dark Heart Forever. Jane mentions several times outright that she is a 'freak' and that she was terribly bullied, but aside from the fact that she doesn't dress well, I didn't really see why she would be picked on. However, people do strange things, so perhaps she was bullied simply for being herself, but I felt like the point was overdone. It was typical, overused case of the female lead not being pretty or special, but the male lead still falls in love with her because actually, she is beautiful. This leads me to a gripe I had with Jane: at least twice her "long glossy hair" was mentioned as her redeeming factor. For someone who claims to not care much for her appearance, her vanity is obvious here.

Moving on from Jane, I give a little credit to Lee Monroe; the Evan twist was interesting. Unfortunately, I had already guessed it. I couldn't believe these two boys were suddenly 'in love' with her when she had just met them both and no one had ever liked her before.

Luca was about the only character I liked. He seemed kind and gentle, but brave when it was necessary. Lowe's character was just not well done; he seemed very evil, only to suddenly change his mind at the end. Other characters flitted in and out without much story, investigation or purpose. I firmly believe that every character must serve some kind of purpose if they are important enough to be mentioned several times. The vampires were almost redundant. I wish there had been more support behind all of the characters. They had no depth and seemed almost there to fill a gap.

Just some other little things that bothered me: the scene in which they have lunch. Evan is offered a beer, which he declines, because he is going to teach Jane how to drive. He says that the two he has already drunk are his limit. Firstly, Jane is sixteen, so it's illegal for her to learn how to drive until she is seventeen (I'm assuming the novel is set in England because of the spelling of Mum and the author is English, but I can't actually remember if it is ever mentioned) but her parents are okay with that. Secondly, Evan has already had two beers (drinking while driving, again, illegal, and even if he is under the limit, dangerous) and he is going to teach Jane to drive on a mountainside. They are okay with that, too. In fact, they even find it agreeable, rewarding him a with winning smiles when he says he won't drink another.
It also seemed like Jane used both of the boys when the other wasn't around. She also accepted Luca's world without a second thought, barely questioning it, which did not seem realistic at all.

Frankly, this book feels to me as if it is just another novel designed to fill the Twilight gap, which saddens me greatly. As a devot YA fiction fan (specifically paranormal as well) I'm looking for something different. Something with strong characters, development and something original. I'm aware that it is impossible to go not cover what has already been breeched: wolves, alternate universes, fallen angels ect. but Dark Heart Forever was a real disappointment. I was also sad to see that it was an English author, as I think most YA fiction is published by American authors and a brilliant British paranormal YA series is needed.

Rating Epithetical Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)
Ratings: 3.61 From 3912 Users | 274 Reviews

Judgment Epithetical Books Dark Heart Forever (Dark Heart #1)
I loved this book. I could tell right from the start that there was going to be something seriously wrong with Evan and I actually gasped outloud when I found out he was Raphael. I love Luca he is so cute and you can tell he is in denile about loving Jane. Lowe is horrible but I think he might have a big part to play in the next book? Dalya is the best, i wish i had a sister like her! she's so loyal and caring <3 highly recommend this book!!<3<3

I picked this book up a few months ago from my local Tesco's and found myself drawn to the plot of the story. However after reading it, I only thought the book was okay and not great. The main issue for me was the style of writing which was very simple and therefore I would probably recommend it to a younger audience. I did however enjoy the characters and how Jane's relationships developed with both Luca & Evan. But one thing that bugged me through out this story was Jane was so willing to

I'll give one word for that YA paranormal romance which features werewolves, vampires, and angels : mediocre. Just don't waste your time with it. By the way, why must paranormal romances these days all focus on supernatural!boy and human!girl, not the other way around!? What's so wrong with supernatural!girl and human!boy!???

1.5 A lot of people recommended this "amazing" book to me and I'm sorry to say that I am very disappointed. I didn't understand the book and I found that at the start of the book it jumps straight to the story there is no back story :(

average.. just average, so far.The ending was an exciting read, so I'm looking forward for the second book just for the sake of knowing how the story develops and to see if it gets better.But overall; mostly predictable, always the same love triangle stuff that you come across in 95% of the YA books which means not well written, not much content in the story, it's very superficially. But it has me curious enough to wanna know what's going to happen next.Have to wait for the second and third book

Ok so i read this book in a day. It was amazing. It probably doesn't make sense but this book seemed to go slow but at the same time everything happened really fast and there wasn't really any action but meh, it was still amazing. The characters were good and they made me laugh. I love Luca, i love his name and he's so adorable ^_^

I don't really know what to say about this book, I really don't! I loved it- by the end, but it did take me a long while to get into it. I have wavered at times about whether or not this book is a three star or a four star.I thought that Dark Heart Forever was a very intriguing book. Normally you would expect the person who is a vampire or werewolf to be in hiding in the human world. In this book however, there are two worlds, one with normal humans and one with angels, vampires, werewolves and


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