Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Online Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية Download Free

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Original Title: في قلبي أنثى عبرية ISBN13 9789776376441
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Setting: Jerba(Tunisia) Qana(Lebanon)
Online Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية  Download Free
في قلبي أنثى عبرية Paperback | Pages: 388 pages
Rating: 4 | 43056 Users | 5828 Reviews

Narration To Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية

في قلب حارة اليهود في الجنوب التونسي تتشابك الأحداث حول المسلمة اليتيمة التي تربت بين أحضان عائلة يهودية، و بين ثنايا مدينة قانا العتيقة في الجنوب اللبناني تدخل بلبلة غير متوقعة في حياة ندى التي نشأت على اليهودية بعيدا عن والدها المسلم. تتتابع اللقاءات و الأحداث المثيرة حولهما لتخرج كلا منهما من حياة الرتابة و تسير بها إلى موعد مع القدر. (في قلبي أنثى عبرية) رواية مستوحاة من أحداث حقيقية في قالب روائي مشوق

Declare Epithetical Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية

Title:في قلبي أنثى عبرية
Author:خولة حمدي
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 388 pages
Published:2013 by كيان (first published July 11th 2012)

Rating Epithetical Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية
Ratings: 4 From 43056 Users | 5828 Reviews

Rate Epithetical Books في قلبي أنثى عبرية
I did like the beginning extremely well. However, after about the 120 pages, I started to change my mind. I still like the book, but not extrelly well. I just think it's a good read.My concerns relate mainly to the linearity of the plot and the confusion it causes changing from one theme to another. I believe had the book been discussed a little more with some readers and/or accomplished writers, it could have been developed into a better work of fiction. Having gone through similar dilemma, I

The first half of the novel was really reliable, pushing me to think deeply about each character la2 w bt3atef m3 kol sha5sya lw7daha ..The authors way was really good w momt3a all over the novel.but then 7assat eni f moslasal turkey ! 7agat keter gedan makntsh moqn3a blmra .. * qesset Islam Sonya, Tanya msh moqn3a etlaqan!* qodrt Nada, wheya msh motdyna lel drga, to convince all those ppl to Islam msh mantqya otherwise Ahmed took alot to convince her.* When Jackob turned to Islam and Tanya left

While reading the last pages I literally couldn't hold my tears...beautifully written and deeply moving.

It changed the way i see things. The way i thought about things, especially islam. It made me wanna know more and learn more and its so beautiful. The thing is you get to see your religion from a non-muslim point of view and it showed me the big picture of the whole religion. Why we do this and why its so beautiful. Im grateful. I related to some of her struggles and i tried to understand what she mustve felt like going through her other struggles. Honestly, this book is treasure.

I am not sure exactly how to rate this book overall but I will state what I liked and disliked about the book:Liked:1) The idea itself is very nice and touches on the Arabic society of mixed religions in a very nice and realistic way. The interactions of the communities together and the nature of each community are brought to life...2) The historical atmosphere of the Lebanon war and the reactions of the characters to these events are also real and quite deep.3) Each character had a distinct

It's an okay book. The only good thing about it is how it makes you feel like a complete donkey. Yes a donkey because you realize how enormous is the information you have no clue about in your religion. Otherwise it's not so impressive especially with that ending. The ending only implies that the author was sick of writing and just wanted to get over with it.

This book must be translated to English!! and many other languages !!Everybody should read this book


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