Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Online Books Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set Download Free

Identify Books In Pursuance Of Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set

Original Title: Master and Commander 20 Volume Set
ISBN: 0999913492 (ISBN13: 9780999913499)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Jack Aubrey, Stephen Maturin
Online Books Master and Commander:  20 Volume Set  Download Free
Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set Hardcover | Pages: 114 pages
Rating: 4.76 | 1169 Users | 122 Reviews

List Containing Books Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set

Title:Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set
Author:Patrick O'Brian
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 114 pages
Published:October 4th 2003
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Classics. Literature. War. Military Fiction

Rendition Conducive To Books Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set


Master & Commander;
Post Captain;
H.M.S. 'Surprise';
The Mauritius Command;
Desolation Island;
The Fortune of War;
The Surgeon's Mate;
The Ionian Mission;
Treason's Harbour;
The Far Side of the World;
The Reverse of the Medal;
The Letter of Marque;
The Thirteen-Gun Salute;
The Nutmeg of Consolation;
The Truelove/Clarissa Oakes;
The Wine-Dark Sea;
The Commodore;
The Yellow Admiral;
The Hundred Days;
Blue at the Mizzen.

Rating Containing Books Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set
Ratings: 4.76 From 1169 Users | 122 Reviews

Evaluation Containing Books Master and Commander: 20 Volume Set
When I say I'm 'currently reading' the series, it's true, but then --- it's always true, for when I finish I begin again. I'm currently on my 17th lap through the books. I have never looked up anything Patrick O'Brian has written about in this series and found it untrue. And of course the writing is outstanding. Imagine as an author to have 6,500 pgs. for character development!!

These books were my absolute favorites of all time (so far!). When I first read the first in the series, Master and Commander, I really enjoyed getting to know the main characters, Captain Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin. I had already seen the movie with Russell Crowe and this book explained how they met. The sea battles were really good, even though I usually skim through that sort of thing. I started book #two suspecting I would get bored, that it would just be a bunch of sea battles, but I

No nautical fiction collection is complete without O'Brian's works. I plowed through every book in this series a few summer's ago. They were a small slice of heaven. They will absolutely not appeal to those unwilling to commit to long, detailed reads, nor will they particularly appeal to people who have no interest in the sea.If, however, you enjoy Austin and well-crafted writing, are willing to commit to a series that develops characters slowly, over many books--you will cherish these.I found

I get really tired of these - not enough action and too much of spy and mucic and phylosophy!

One of my top three authors. Loved all the books in the Aubrey-Maturin series. You can't help but fall in the love with the characters--not only captain Jack Aubrey and doctor/intelligence agent Stephen Maturin, but the wide cast of shipmates, families and friends. O'Brian is not only a great writer but captures the time in a way that is both accurate and fascinating.

I will quote my wife here: "I don't care about England, I don't want to know anything about their navy, and I certainly don't give a shit about English naval battles in the 19th century. But once I got started on these books I couldn't stop."And I will quote myself, speaking to a friend: "I was just thinking, hey, I haven't heard from those two guys in a while. The big loud sailor and his naturalist friend. Then I realized the reason why I hadn't heard from them: they are characters in a book.


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