Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Download Free Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4) Books Full Version

Download Free Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4) Books Full Version
Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4) Hardcover | Pages: 791 pages
Rating: 4.53 | 9441 Users | 105 Reviews

Itemize Regarding Books Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)

Title:Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)
Author:Tamora Pierce
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 791 pages
Published:November 2004 by SFBC
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Fiction. Magic

Chronicle Toward Books Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)

This is my favorite of Tamora Pierce's Tortall series, the one I re-read when I want a book that I know will make me happy. I really love Keladry and her friends. I love that, and it's said in the book, while Alanna from the Lioness series of books had magic and the hand of the goddess on her, Keladry is just a determined girl who wants to right injustices.

This series is exciting and engaging, with suspense and victories that the reader can rejoice in. When I was reading this series, I hated to put it down. You are rooting for Keladry. Even when I re-read these books, though I already know what's going to happen, I still get drawn in and want to keep going, and that's a sign of a good book.

Pierce really expands on the world of Tortall that was introduced in the previous two series. 10 years have passed since Lady Alanna won her spurs in the first Tortall series, and while the King has declared it legal for girls to become knights, Keladry is the first girl in the 10 years to attempt it.
Throughout all 4 books of this series, Keladry faces hazing and bullying, people who insult her and look down on her for pursuing this "un-ladylike" and unconventional "career-path." But I love that she doesn't let that stop her. Yes, she finds some of their insults and behavior hurtful, but she looks to herself and those she respects for approval and affirmation. I love that message for young girls.
As opposed to something like Twilight, these books really deliver a message of empowerment and show a great role model for girls. Kelardy's example encourages girls to make well thought out decisions for themselves, to see the hurtful side of bullying, and that with enough determination, anything is possible. That just because something is "the way it's always been," doesn't mean that is how it should be.
These books were written in the late 90's, but I feel like Keladry's anti-bully stance is really relevant to today.

I also like that, while Keladry has various "love-insterests" through the series, these books are not about romance. These books are Keladry's journey, and yes, there are moments of romance as boys come into her life, but the point is not that she gets married and lives happily ever after. The point of this story is that Keladry set's out to become a knight and she does it! She wanted her spurs so that when she sees something wrong, she can do something about it, and she accomplishes that goal. That's the happily ever after.

Define Books Conducive To Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)

Original Title: Protector of the Small
ISBN: 0739446983 (ISBN13: 9780739446980)
Edition Language: English
Series: Protector of the Small #1-4, Tortall

Rating Regarding Books Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)
Ratings: 4.53 From 9441 Users | 105 Reviews

Weigh Up Regarding Books Protector of the Small (Protector of the Small #1-4)

Though junior or perhaps young adult fiction and a series that I first read 10+ years ago, this re-read has been almost as enjoyable as the first read. Its not the plot that draws you in, though thats also quite engaging, but the moments that make up Kels life as she goes through her journey in becoming a female warrior in very male-dominant world. Amazing.

Heroes--- or in the authors case, she-roes come in all shapes and sizes and they all have their strengths and gifts. In this book, Keladry enters the world of knighthood... a place that is normally all male. But! She has unique allies... animals... that can 'talk'.The Cheshire cat of Wonderland can speak-- so can Puss 'n Boots-- and a host of other famous animal characters throughtout bookdom. But in this series...animals stay animals-- and yet they can speak without words. Honestly, it's hard

This is my favorite of Tamora Pierce's Tortall series, the one I re-read when I want a book that I know will make me happy. I really love Keladry and her friends. I love that, and it's said in the book, while Alanna from the Lioness series of books had magic and the hand of the goddess on her, Keladry is just a determined girl who wants to right injustices. This series is exciting and engaging, with suspense and victories that the reader can rejoice in. When I was reading this series, I hated to

Kel is an amazing heroine - I loved reading about her tenacity and drive to become a knight and stand up for those who need help. I actually didn't realize until I finished the book that this is set in a world Tamora Pierce had already established in previous works. You definitely don't need any background information before you dive right into this set of books; everything is nicely explained and I didn't feel lost at all. If you're not ready to commit to all 800 pages of this series, at least

I do not usually write reviews, but I felt this was important.Some forums have condemned the morality of the characters in this book, but I could not disagree more. Ms. Pierce does not shy away from issues that face many young adults nor does she presume to make decisions for her readers. Her message comes through Kel's mother during a turning point in the story: No matter what you decide, you should approach the issue with personal responsibility. In her time of confusion, Kel acts with care

Enjoyed this series immensely, after having read the Wild Magic quartet. Tamora Pierce is quickly becoming one of our favorite authors for audobook entertainment. This series follows Kel, who wishes to become a knight and has to put up with more difficulties in her path toward knighthood than she expected. She bears it all with a grace and without much "why me?" which I think presents an excellent model for young people who may face analogous unfair situations in life be it from bullying or


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